Thanksgiving Dinner 2019 for the Residents at The Women’s Center

Date: November 28, 2019

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Fully cooked 20 pound turkey#1: Tychelle M.
#2: (empty) - sign-ups closed
Mashed Potatoes (for 35)#1: Amelia M.
Large Platter/Tray of fresh fruit for dinner (to serve 35)#1: Shannon M.
Cranberry sauce & other sauce of your choice (please indicate)#1: (empty) - sign-ups closed
Vegetable Side Dishes (please indicate what you are planning)#1: (empty) - sign-ups closed
#2: (empty) - sign-ups closed
Apple pies/pumpkin pies (4 total)#1: Debra B.
other items (please indicate what you are planning, and expect to serve 35)#1: (empty) - sign-ups closed
#2: (empty) - sign-ups closed