October 18 Apartment setup for an elderly Syrian couple in Hyattsville, MD

Date: October 18, 2019

KindWorks will prepare an apartment for an elderly Syrian couple. They are moving to the area to be near Syrian friends who can care for them, as they are otherwise alone and the wife is unwell.

We invite you to join us as we transform an empty apartment into fully furnished, warm and welcoming home for them. Come for an hour or two to unload and arrange furniture, organize the bedrooms and kitchen, put together and make beds, lay out toys and hang art. Many hands make light work and it’s a lot of fun!**

Thank you for donating good, dignity quality furniture and furnishings. All items should be clean, unstained, and 100% pet-hair-, cobweb- and smoke -free.   

The total setup usually takes about 2.5 hours from start to finish, depending somewhat on the number of volunteers and the quantity of furniture. We are thankful to have some unloading help from the Syrian community that is bringing the family here.

Please email Alexa at aabdelatey@earthlink.net or call/text (540) 538-9696 at any time in the process if you have questions. 

If you would like to participate but are unable to bring items or volunteer, please consider a financial donation in support of the KindWorks Refugee program HERE

Many, many thanks!

Sincerely, Alexa Abdelatey & Sue Cohn, KindWorks Apartment Coordinators


**as with all KindWorks projects, when you register you do so with the understanding that volunteering may involve physical activity, the handling of sharp objects and cooking apparatus, the lifting of heavy objects, contact with unidentified and unfamiliar persons, and will require the exercise of reasonable care to avoid injury and/or damage, and you agree to assume any and all risks of personal injury or property damage.

Sign up below...

Select Task(s)WhatName
Select Task(s)WhatName
Sofa#1: Nancy W.
Arm Chairs#1: Previous donation *.
Coffee Table#1: Via Diane k.
Side tables#1: Via Kathy W.
#2: Via Kathy W.
Living room table lamps#1: Sue, various Previous C.
#2: Sue C.
Wall art (please no depictions of people or animals)#1: Laurie F via Kathy* W.
#2: via Diane K.
#3: via Diane K.
TV Table/stand#1: Scott C.
TV (good size, flat screen is much appreciated)#1: Eric and Bess E.
Shoe rack (standing, not hanging pls)#1: Sofya L.
Living room rug#1: Cindy Z.
Dining room table for 4 people#1: Previous donations *.
Dining Chairs for 4 people#1: Previous donations *.
Dishes for 6+ people (plate, bowl)#1: Sue, various Previous C.
Flatware for 6+ people#1: Sue, various Previous C.
Serving utensils#1: Sue, various Previous C.
Glassware (6+)#1: Sue, various Previous C.
Tablecloth#1: Sue, various Previous C.
#2: Sue C.
Cloth napkins (6+)#1: Maryam A.
Pressure cooker (stovetop, non electric is preferred, with good condition silicone ring)#1: Previous donations *.
Large stock pots, with lids#1: Previous donations *.
Sauce pans, large with lids (if non-stick, please ensure not scraped or old)#1: Previous donations *.
Saute/frying pans, large#1: Previous donations *.
Baking dishes (pyrex or other)#1: Sue, various Previous C.
Baking sheet, set of 2-3#1: Previous donations *.
Knife Set#1: Karen H.
Cutting Board set#1: Sue C.
Kettle (preferably stovetop)#1: Andy & Eileen C via Kathy W.
5+ tea cups#1: Sue, various Previous C.
Serving tray#1: Previous donations *.
Large serving platters#1: Jeanne *.
#2: Cindy Z.
#3: (empty) - sign-ups closed
Pitcher (plastic or ceramic)#1: Andy & Eileen C via Kathy W.
Mixing/serving bowls set#1: Sue, various Previous C.
Kitchen utensils (spatula, spoons, pasta fork, ladle)#1: Michael Z via Kathy W.
Kitchen utensil holder#1: Previous donations *.
Colander#1: Previous donations *.
Can opener#1: Sue C.
Food storage containers (ie tupperware, medium-large size)#1: Cecile M via Kathy W.
Plastic wrap & aluminum foil#1: Michael M.
Kitchen drain rack & mat#1: Kathy W.
Kitchen towels, 2+#1: Diane K.
Hot pads (2), oven mitt#1: Kathy W.
Front door mat#1: Michael M.
Bathroom rug/mat#1: Sue, various Previous C.
Kitchen trash can and box of garbage bags#1: Michael M.
10 light bulbs for table lamps#1: Michael M.
Dish soap (2+ large) and 4 sponges#1: Michael M.
Multi-purpose AND toilet cleaners#1: Michael M.
Bucket and mop#1: Michael M.
Broom and dust pan#1: Sofya L.
Toilet brush#1: Michael M.
Vacuum cleaner (clean, in working order)#1: Maryam A.
Iron#1: Sofya L.
Ironing Board w unstained cover#1: Sofya L.
60 hangers#1: Kathy W.
Extension cord & power strip#1: (empty) - sign-ups closed
Basic tool kit (hammer, screwdrivers, nails, allen wrench)#1: (empty) - sign-ups closed
Laundry hamper/basket#1: Sue, various Previous C.
#2: Kim C V.
Laundry detergent, large size#1: Michael M.
Drying rack for clothes (NOT the basic walmart one, it breaks easily!)#1: Sofya L.
Trash cans for bedrooms & bathroom#1: Kathy W.
#2: Maria P.
New or very clean pillows (2 per slot)#1: Maria P.
Bedside tables#1: Previous donations *.
#2: (empty) - sign-ups closed
Bedroom lamps#1: Sue C.
#2: Previous donations *.
Dressers#1: Melissa *.
Full bed frame#1: Maria P.
Full sheet set#1: Sue, various Previous C.
Full comforter#1: Jennifer S via Kathy W.
Full blanket#1: Maria P.
Closet storage (hanging or plastic) storage units#1: Previous donations *.
Towel sets: large bath size, hand towel, wash cloth#1: Sue, various Previous C.
#2: Diane K.
Toilet paper (10+) and paper towels (6+)#1: Previous donations *.
2 Bar or Liquid soap#1: Diane K.
2 bottles of shampoo (extra moisturizing much appreciated)#1: Diane K.
2 toothbrushes & toothpaste#1: Sue, various Previous C.
2 deodorant#1: Diane K.
Shaving cream and razors#1: Diane K.
Basic First Aid Kit#1: (empty) - sign-ups closed
Alarm clock#1: (empty) - sign-ups closed
Paper, pens, envelopes, stamps#1: (empty) - sign-ups closed
Jelly (Standard size)#1: Kathy W.
Sugar (Pourable), 5lbs#1: Maryam A.
Salt (Iodized, Standard size)#1: Maryam A.
Pepper (Standard size)#1: Maryam A.
Cooking Oil (Vegetable, 48OZ)#1: (empty) - sign-ups closed
Tea, preferably loose leaf green#1: Maryam A.
Tomato Paste (4+ cans)#1: Maryam A.
Potatoes & onions#1: (empty) - sign-ups closed
Fresh produce (carrots, apples, bananas, etc)#1: (empty) - sign-ups closed
1 gallon whole milk#1: (empty) - sign-ups closed
1 carton whole milk yogurt#1: (empty) - sign-ups closed
Cereal & snacks, cookies etc#1: Maryam A.
Pasta and sauce#1: Maryam A.
Rice 10+ lbs#1: (empty) - sign-ups closed
Syrian spices (cumin seed, cardamon pods, cinnamon sticks, baharat spice mixes)#1: Maryam A.
Help set-up the apartment 10:30am Friday October 18#1: Diane K.
#2: Kathy W.
#3: Sue C.
#4: Maryam A.
#5: Michael M.
#6: (empty) - sign-ups closed
#7: (empty) - sign-ups closed
#8: (empty) - sign-ups closed
#9: (empty) - sign-ups closed
#10: (empty) - sign-ups closed