KindWorks will prepare an apartment for an Afghan refugee family of SEVEN in Landover Maryland THIS THURSDAY, October 14th.   Help us make their new apartment a warm and welcoming home, filled with all that they will need to start their new lives together here!

Whether you are donating and dropping off items or helping to set up, your contribution is vital and greatly appreciated!

Thank you in advance for donating with dignity your gently used (or new), quality furniture and furnishings. All items should be clean, unstained, and 100% pet-hair-, cobweb- and smoke-free.

In order to make this large group effort as COVID safe as possible, we’re splitting the efforts into two distinct sessions on Thursday:

  • 10 am to noon for drop off and delivery, including ALL large pieces of furniture. (We might add additional drop-off hours Wednesday afternoon; if Thursday is not possible for you and Wednesday afternoon is, please let us know).
  • noon to 2:30 pm for apartment set up. IF you are bringing items OTHER THAN furniture and can’t get there until a little after noon, that can still work.

VOLUNTEERS: Only those individuals who are signed up for set-up work will be able to enter the apartment. If you are not signed up for set-up, please pull your car up (volunteers will be there to help) or carry your items to the door. Please note that ALL volunteers should be fully COVID vaccinated, and will need to be masked while inside the apartment.**Thank you for understanding. 

LINENS: Please label or tag all bedding (mattress pad, sheets, blankets, comforter/duvet and duvet covers) as twin, full or queen (we cannot use king-sized bedding) and bundle sets together. Linens, including towels, can be new or VERY GENTLY used (not cut, stained, torn, patched or worn).

IMPORTANT: Please bring only those items for which you have signed up UNLESS  you have been in touch and received confirmation to bring specific additional items. We do not currently have storage or the ability to accept other items. We so appreciate your generosity and your understanding!!

Please email Jean (  if you have questions.

If you would like to participate but are unable to bring items or volunteer, please consider a financial donation in support of the KindWorks Refugee support HERE.

Many, many thanks! – Deb, Jean, Alison and Kristen (KindWorks Home Setups Team)


**as with all KindWorks projects, when you register you do so with the understanding that volunteering may involve physical activity, the handling of sharp objects and cooking apparatus, the lifting of heavy objects, contact with unidentified and unfamiliar persons, and will require the exercise of reasonable care to avoid injury and/or damage, and you agree to assume any and all risks of personal injury or property damage.


KindWorks will prepare an apartment for an Afghan refugee family in Riverdale, MD on Saturday, September 25 at noon.  They will receive support services through the IRC.  Help us make their new apartment a warm and welcoming home, filled with all that they will need to start their new lives together!

Come for an hour or two to unload and arrange furniture, organize the bedrooms and kitchen, put together and make beds, lay out toys and hang art. Many hands make light work and it’s a lot of fun!  Please note that all volunteers should be fully COVID vaccinated, and will need to be masked while inside the apartment.**

Thank you for donating good, dignity quality furniture and furnishings. All items should be clean, unstained, and 100% pet-hair-, cobweb- and smoke -free.

The total setup usually takes about 2.5 hours from start to finish, depending somewhat on the number of volunteers and the quantity of furniture.

Please email Jean (  if you have questions.

If you would like to participate but are unable to bring items or volunteer, please consider a financial donation in support of the KindWorks Refugee support HERE.

Many, many thanks! – Deb and Jean (KindWorks Home Setups Team)


**as with all KindWorks projects, when you register you do so with the understanding that volunteering may involve physical activity, the handling of sharp objects and cooking apparatus, the lifting of heavy objects, contact with unidentified and unfamiliar persons, and will require the exercise of reasonable care to avoid injury and/or damage, and you agree to assume any and all risks of personal injury or property damage.

KindWorks will prepare an apartment for an Afghan refugee family in Riverdale, MD 20737 on Saturday, March 7 at 10:30am. The family, a mom and her 3 sons (28, 22, 19), will receive support services through Ethiopian Community Development Council.

We welcome Dechert International Arbitration Group who will join KindWorks in transforming an empty apartment into fully furnished, warm and welcoming home.

Come for an hour or two to unload and arrange furniture, organize the bedrooms and kitchen, put together and make beds, lay out toys and hang art. Many hands make light work and it’s a lot of fun!**

Thank you for donating good, dignity quality furniture and furnishings. All items should be clean, unstained, and 100% pet-hair-, cobweb- and smoke -free.

The total setup usually takes about 2.5 hours from start to finish, depending somewhat on the number of volunteers and the quantity of furniture.

Please email Alexa at or call/text (540) 538-9696 at any time in the process if you have questions.

If you would like to participate but are unable to bring items or volunteer, please consider a financial donation in support of the KindWorks Refugee program HERE.

Many, many thanks!

Sincerely, Alexa, Sue, Diane & Kathy, KindWorks Home Setup Team

**as with all KindWorks projects, when you register you do so with the understanding that volunteering may involve physical activity, the handling of sharp objects and cooking apparatus, the lifting of heavy objects, contact with unidentified and unfamiliar persons, and will require the exercise of reasonable care to avoid injury and/or damage, and you agree to assume any and all risks of personal injury or property damage.

KindWorks will prepare an apartment for an Afghan family on Monday, February 24. The family, with their 2yr old son and1yr old daughter, will receive support services through International Rescue Committee. The apartment will be in Riverdale, MD 20737.

We invite you to join us as we transform an empty apartment into fully furnished, warm and welcoming home for them. Please join us in unloading the truck, arranging the furniture, organizing the bedrooms and kitchen, putting together and making beds, laying out toys, and hanging art. Many hands make light work and it’s a lot of fun!**

Thank you for donating good, dignity quality furniture and furnishings. All items should be in good, dignity condition: clean, unstained, and 100% pet-hair-, cobweb- and smoke-free. Thank you for vacuuming large furniture items and all rugs prior to donation.

Please email Alexa at or call/text (540) 538-9696 at any time in the process if you have questions.

Many, many thanks!

Alexa, Sue, Diane and Kathy, KindWorks Home Setup Team


**as with all KindWorks projects, when you register you do so with the understanding that volunteering may involve physical activity, the handling of sharp objects and cooking apparatus, the lifting of heavy objects, contact with unidentified and unfamiliar persons, and will require the exercise of reasonable care to avoid injury and/or damage, and you agree to assume any and all risks of personal injury or property damage.

Join Bethesda Jewish Congregation, Bradley Hills Presbyterian Church and Idara-e-Jaferia Islamic Center as they together fully furnish and fill a warm and welcoming home for a family starting over.

While we will not know the specific family that we will be helping until we get closer to the target project date, we have put together a sign-up sheet with all that will likely be needed, and will update it with more specifics when we are matched with a family by the resettlement agency.  See what you have or want to get that is on this list.  All previously used items should be in great condition please!  Also, in order to enable us to coordinate items, please email Alexa ( with a picture of any of the large furniture items that you would like to contribute.  Thank You!!

Let’s set them up with all that they need so that starting over can be as seamless (and successful) as possible!

If you want to help but don’t have what is needed, and aren’t available for the setup itself, please consider making a financial donation that will be used to support this family, or future home setups for people in similar circumstances.  (Donate to support KindWorks)

Please contact Deb ( with questions.

Many, many thanks! – Deb


On March 26, KindWorks will prepare the apartment for a Congolese family arriving through International Rescue Committee. The family includes a grandmother, mother and 4 (grand)children, 2 young women (22 & 16), a young man and a boy (22 & 11).

Please join us in Gaithersburg, MD as we transform an empty apartment into a fully furnished, warm and welcoming home for them. Due to scheduling, we will work quickly as the family arrives the same day of our setup! Many hands make light work!**

Please email Alexa at or call/text (540) 538-9696 with any questions.  When you sign up to bring donated items and/or help arrange the apartment, you’ll receive confirmation and reminder emails with location information.

If you would like to participate but are unable to bring items or volunteer, please consider a financial donation in support of the KindWorks Refugee program HERE.

Many, many thanks!

Sincerely, Alexa Abdelatey & Sue Cohn, KindWorks Apartment Coordinators

PS Please note that the grocery list has been updated to include products that are best found at Red Apple Farmers’ Market, 7645 New Hampshire Ave, Takoma Park, MD 20912. These groceries are optional AND a truly lovely, welcoming gesture.

**as with all KindWorks projects, when you register you do so with the understanding that volunteering may involve physical activity, the handling of sharp objects and cooking apparatus, the lifting of heavy objects, contact with unidentified and unfamiliar persons, and will require the exercise of reasonable care to avoid injury and/or damage, and you agree to assume any and all risks of personal injury or property damage.

On January 27, KindWorks will prepare the apartment for a Russian family arriving through Lutheran Social Services. The family includes grandparents, a mother and a 5 year old (grand) daughter.  Mom has finished medical school and so will quickly be making important contributions within our community!  Let’s welcome them all by surrounding them with all that they need to feel at home the minute they walk into their new home!

Please join us in Rockville, MD as we transform an empty apartment into a fully furnished, warm and welcoming home for them. Due to scheduling, we will work quickly as the family arrives the same day of our setup! Many hands make light work!**

Please email Alexa at or call/text (540) 538-9696 with any questions.  When you sign up to bring donated items and/or help arrange the apartment, you’ll receive confirmation and reminder emails with location information.

If you would like to participate but are unable to bring items or volunteer, please consider a financial donation in support of the KindWorks Refugee program HERE.

Many, many thanks! –  Deb

– –  on behalf of Alexa, Sue, Diane and Kathy, KindWorks Home Setups Team

**as with all KindWorks projects, when you register you do so with the understanding that volunteering may involve physical activity, the handling of sharp objects and cooking apparatus, the lifting of heavy objects, contact with unidentified and unfamiliar persons, and will require the exercise of reasonable care to avoid injury and/or damage, and you agree to assume any and all risks of personal injury or property damage.

KindWorks will prepare the apartment for a Sudanese refugee woman in Riverdale, MD 20737 on Wednesday January 29 starting at 10am. She is arriving through the services of Ethiopian Community Development Council. We were originally scheduled to set up for her on Jan 11,and we are thrilled that she is able to finally come here!

We invite you to join us as we transform an empty apartment into fully furnished, warm and welcoming home for her. Come for an hour or two to unload and arrange furniture, organize the bedrooms and kitchen, put together and make beds, lay out toys and hang art. Many hands make light work and it’s a lot of fun!**

Thank you for donating good, dignity quality furniture and furnishings: clean, unstained, pet-hair-, cobweb- and smoke -free, like something you would want to gift to a close relative.

The total setup usually takes about 2.5 hours from start to finish, depending somewhat on the number of volunteers and the quantity of furniture.

Please email Alexa at or call/text (540) 538-9696 at any time in the process if you have questions.

If you would like to participate but are unable to bring items or volunteer, please consider a financial donation in support of the KindWorks Refugee program HERE.

Many, many thanks!

Sincerely, Alexa, Sue, Diane and Kathy, KindWorks Home Setup Team


**as with all KindWorks projects, when you register you do so with the understanding that volunteering may involve physical activity, the handling of sharp objects and cooking apparatus, the lifting of heavy objects, contact with unidentified and unfamiliar persons, and will require the exercise of reasonable care to avoid injury and/or damage, and you agree to assume any and all risks of personal injury or property damage.

KindWorks invites the Al Fatih Academy community to prepare an apartment for an Afghan family on Thursday, January 23. The family, with their 2yr old son, will receive support services through Ethiopian Community Development Council.

We invite you to join us as we transform an empty apartment into fully furnished, warm and welcoming home for them. The Al Fatih Academy 8th Grade class will do the fun, physical work of unloading the truck, arranging the furniture, organizing the bedrooms and kitchen, putting together and making beds, laying out toys, and hanging art. This is the 3rd year that Al Fatih Academy has supported a newly arriving refugee family with KindWorks! Many hands make light work and it’s a lot of fun!**

KindWorks appreciates the whole Al Fatih Academy community’s participation! Thank you for donating good, dignity quality furniture and furnishings. Any monetary funds donated will be used to directly support this apartment setup with KindWorks’ Home Setup program.

All items should be in good, dignity condition: clean, unstained, and 100% pet-hair-, cobweb- and smoke-free. Thank you for vacuuming large furniture items and all rugs prior to donation.

Please bring your donations to Al Fatih Academy before 2pm on Wednesday, Jan 22.

Please email Alexa at or call/text (540) 538-9696 at any time in the process if you have questions.

Many, many thanks!

In peace,

Alexa Abdelatey, KindWorks Home Setup Coordinator & Former AFA parent


**as with all KindWorks projects, when you register you do so with the understanding that volunteering may involve physical activity, the handling of sharp objects and cooking apparatus, the lifting of heavy objects, contact with unidentified and unfamiliar persons, and will require the exercise of reasonable care to avoid injury and/or damage, and you agree to assume any and all risks of personal injury or property damage.

KindWorks will prepare the apartment for an Eritrean man on Saturday, January 11 starting at 10:30am. He is arriving through the services of Ethiopian Community Development Council.

We invite you to join us as we transform an empty apartment into fully furnished, warm and welcoming home for her. Come for an hour or two to unload and arrange furniture, organize the bedrooms and kitchen, put together and make beds, lay out toys and hang art. Many hands make light work and it’s a lot of fun!**

Thank you for donating good, dignity quality furniture and furnishings: clean, unstained, pet-hair-, cobweb- and smoke -free, like something you would want to gift to a close relative.

The total setup usually takes about 2.5 hours from start to finish, depending somewhat on the number of volunteers and the quantity of furniture.

Please email Alexa at or call/text (540) 538-9696 at any time in the process if you have questions.

If you would like to participate but are unable to bring items or volunteer, please consider a financial donation in support of the KindWorks Refugee program HERE.

Many, many thanks!

Sincerely, Alexa Abdelatey & Sue Cohn, KindWorks Apartment Coordinators


**as with all KindWorks projects, when you register you do so with the understanding that volunteering may involve physical activity, the handling of sharp objects and cooking apparatus, the lifting of heavy objects, contact with unidentified and unfamiliar persons, and will require the exercise of reasonable care to avoid injury and/or damage, and you agree to assume any and all risks of personal injury or property damage.