Welcome to the KindWorks apartment setup signup for a newly arrived family from Afghanistan! Dad is an economist, mom is a researcher in political science and they have a 16 month old baby girl!
Your contributions will help turn an empty apartment into a warm and welcoming home! Your willingness to jump in and help is truly special and will be so deeply appreciated by this family.
Although the overwhelmed resettlement agency left them largely on their own to acquire the needed furniture and furnishings, let’s make sure that by next weekend this family has what they need to really feel at home in their new space!
This will be a bit different than previous home setups as we will not be setting up the apartment – as the family is already here and will be doing that. We can arrange for you to drop off your items almost any time from now through Feb 25th.
A WORD ABOUT QUALITY: We ask that you please donate either very gently used or new, quality furniture and furnishings. We thank you in advance for making sure that all donated items are clean (without stains and 100% pet-hair-, cobweb- and smoke-free) when donated.
LINENS: Please label or tag the bag for all bedding (mattress pad, sheets, blankets, comforter/duvet and bedcovers) BY SIZE as twin, full or queen and bundle sets together — without marking on the actual linens. Unfortunately, we cannot use king-size bedding. As noted above, new or VERY GENTLY used linens are great! Worn sheets and towels won’t work.
IMPORTANT: Please deliver only those items for which you have signed up UNLESS you have been in touch and received confirmation to bring specific additional items. We so appreciate your generosity and your understanding!!
THE PROCESS FOR DELIVERY: After you signup your items, you will be connected via text with the family so that you can arrange a mutually convenient time to drop off your items. We ask that all items be delivered as soon as is convenient, and certainly by next Friday, February 25th. If your item is too large for you to transport and you are not able to make another arrangement for transport – please contact Julie to see if we might be able to help arrange.
The setup lead for this project is Julie. If you have questions, you can reach Julie by email at juliegarel@me.com or by text at (757) 639-7702.
Many, many thanks! – – KindWorks Home Setups Team
**as with all KindWorks projects, when you register you do so with the understanding that volunteering may involve physical activity, the handling of sharp objects and cooking apparatus, the lifting of heavy objects, contact with unidentified and unfamiliar persons, and will require the exercise of reasonable care to avoid injury and/or damage, and you agree to assume any and all risks of personal injury or property damage. Notwithstanding the COVID precautions indicated above, as with any indoor group activity, there is a risk that unintended COVID transmission could occur.