On March 26, KindWorks will prepare the apartment for a Congolese family arriving through International Rescue Committee. The family includes a grandmother, mother and 4 (grand)children, 2 young women (22 & 16), a young man and a boy (22 & 11).

Please join us in Gaithersburg, MD as we transform an empty apartment into a fully furnished, warm and welcoming home for them. Due to scheduling, we will work quickly as the family arrives the same day of our setup! Many hands make light work!**

Please email Alexa at aabdelatey@earthlink.net or call/text (540) 538-9696 with any questions.  When you sign up to bring donated items and/or help arrange the apartment, you’ll receive confirmation and reminder emails with location information.

If you would like to participate but are unable to bring items or volunteer, please consider a financial donation in support of the KindWorks Refugee program HERE.

Many, many thanks!

Sincerely, Alexa Abdelatey & Sue Cohn, KindWorks Apartment Coordinators

PS Please note that the grocery list has been updated to include products that are best found at Red Apple Farmers’ Market, 7645 New Hampshire Ave, Takoma Park, MD 20912. These groceries are optional AND a truly lovely, welcoming gesture.

**as with all KindWorks projects, when you register you do so with the understanding that volunteering may involve physical activity, the handling of sharp objects and cooking apparatus, the lifting of heavy objects, contact with unidentified and unfamiliar persons, and will require the exercise of reasonable care to avoid injury and/or damage, and you agree to assume any and all risks of personal injury or property damage.