KindWorks will prepare two apartments for a large Congolese family. There are EIGHT children ; 5 girls/young women (ages 7, 11, 14, 17, 24) will live with the parents, and the THREE young adult men (20, 23, 30) will have a small apartment nearby. They are arriving through International Rescue Committee.

We invite you to join us as we transform the empty apartments into fully furnished, warm and welcoming homes for them. Come for an hour or two (or three this time!) to arrange furniture, organize the bedrooms and kitchens, put together and make beds, lay out toys for the youngest children, and hang art. Many hands make light work and it’s a lot of fun!**

Thank you for donating good, dignity quality furniture and furnishings. All items should be clean, unstained, and 100% pet-hair-, cobweb- and smoke -free.

KindWorks’ excellent professional moving partner, Bookstore Movers, will be delivering living and dining room furniture for this setup, and we appreciate their help very much! The beds will be purchased by International Rescue Committee as they must be new.

Please email Alexa at or call/text (540) 538-9696 at any time in the process if you have questions.

If you would like to participate but are unable to bring items or volunteer, please consider a financial donation in support of the KindWorks Refugee program HERE.

Many, many thanks!

Sincerely, Alexa, Sue, Diane & Kathy, KindWorks Home Setup Team

**as with all KindWorks projects, when you register you do so with the understanding that volunteering may involve physical activity, the handling of sharp objects and cooking apparatus, the lifting of heavy objects, contact with unidentified and unfamiliar persons, and will require the exercise of reasonable care to avoid injury and/or damage, and you agree to assume any and all risks of personal injury or property damage.

KindWorks will prepare the apartment for an Afghan family with 5 children in Riverdale, MD 20737 on Saturday August 24 starting at 10am. The boys are 18, 16, 11, and 4 yrs old, and the daughter is 19. They are arriving through International Rescue Committee.

We invite you to join us as we transform an empty apartment into fully furnished, warm and welcoming home for them. Come for an hour or two to unload and arrange furniture, organize the bedrooms and kitchen, put together and make beds, lay out toys and hang art. Many hands make light work and it’s a lot of fun!**

Thank you for donating good, dignity quality furniture and furnishings: clean, unstained, pet-hair-, cobweb- and smoke -free, like something you would want to gift to a close relative.

The total setup usually takes about 2.5 hours from start to finish, depending somewhat on the number of volunteers and the quantity of furniture. 

Please email Alexa at or call/text (540) 538-9696 at any time in the process if you have questions. 

If you would like to participate but are unable to bring items or volunteer, please consider a financial donation in support of the KindWorks Refugee program HERE

Many, many thanks!

Sincerely, Alexa Abdelatey & Sue Cohn, KindWorks Apartment Coordinators


**as with all KindWorks projects, when you register you do so with the understanding that volunteering may involve physical activity, the handling of sharp objects and cooking apparatus, the lifting of heavy objects, contact with unidentified and unfamiliar persons, and will require the exercise of reasonable care to avoid injury and/or damage, and you agree to assume any and all risks of personal injury or property damage.

We at KindWorks are SUPER excited to be able to prepare the apartment for a family with one son age 6, from Colombia. They are arriving through International Rescue Committee. 

Please join us as we transform an empty apartment into fully furnished, warm and welcoming home for them. Come for an hour or two to arrange furniture, organize the bedrooms and kitchen, put together and make beds, and hang art. Many hands make light work and it’s a lot of fun! **

Please email Alexa at or call/text (540) 538-9696 at any time in the process if you have questions. 

If you would like to participate but are unable to bring items or volunteer, please consider a financial donation in support of the KindWorks Refugee program HERE

Many, many thanks!

Sincerely, Alexa Abdelatey, KindWorks Apartment Coordinator


**as with all KindWorks projects, when you register you do so with the understanding that volunteering may involve physical activity, the handling of sharp objects and cooking apparatus, the lifting of heavy objects, contact with unidentified and unfamiliar persons, and will require the exercise of reasonable care to avoid injury and/or damage, and you agree to assume any and all risks of personal injury or property damage.

The Potomac Presbyterian Church has been working towards transforming an empty apartment into fully furnished, warm and welcoming home for a new legal refugee family throughout the month of September.  

Every family needs a couch, and dining room table, and some beds, towels, dishes and other kitchen necessities…. We hope that you will consider items that you have or can get, and sign up to share them at the home set-up, which will be on October 5th.  Please remember that not new items should be in beautiful, “dignity” quality condition, and 100% stain-, smoke- and pet hair- free.

The family is from Afghanistan. The four daughters are 4, 11, 15 and 20, and the 2 sons are 9 and 16 years old.  They will live in a 3 bedroom townhouse in Sterling, VA. 

Please join KindWorks on Saturday, October 5 for a couple or few hours to arrange furniture, organize the bedrooms and kitchen, put together and make beds, and hang art. We will begin the setup at 12:30pm. Many hands make light work and it’s a lot of fun! **

Please email Alexa at or call/text (540) 538-9696 at any time in the process if you have questions. 

If you would like to participate but are unable to bring items or volunteer, please consider a financial donation in support of the KindWorks Refugee program HERE

Many, many thanks!

Sincerely, Deb, Alexa & Sue, KindWorks Apartment Coordinators


**as with all KindWorks projects, when you register you do so with the understanding that volunteering may involve physical activity, the handling of sharp objects and cooking apparatus, the lifting of heavy objects, contact with unidentified and unfamiliar persons, and will require the exercise of reasonable care to avoid injury and/or damage, and you agree to assume any and all risks of personal injury or property damage.

We at KindWorks are excited to prepare the apartment for an Afghan family with 3 children in Woodbridge, VA. The girls are 7 and 2 yrs old, and the boy is 4. We have furnished several homes for this family’s relatives, and we look forward to their participation!

Please join us as we transform an empty apartment into a fully furnished, warm and welcoming home for them. Come for an hour or two to arrange furniture, organize the bedrooms and kitchen, put together and make beds, and hang art. Many hands make light work and it’s a lot of fun! **

Thank you for donating good, dignity-quality furniture and furnishings: clean, unstained, pet-hair-, cobweb- and smoke -free. Like something you would want to gift to a close relative!

The total setup usually takes about 2.5-3 hours from start to finish, depending somewhat on the number of volunteers and the quantity of furniture. 

Please email Alexa at or call/text (540) 538-9696 at any time in the process if you have questions. 

If you would like to participate but are unable to bring items or volunteer, please consider a financial donation in support of the KindWorks Refugee program HERE

Many, many thanks!


Alexa, KindWorks Apartment Coordinator


**as with all KindWorks projects, when you register you do so with the understanding that volunteering may involve physical activity, the handling of sharp objects and cooking apparatus, the lifting of heavy objects, contact with unidentified and unfamiliar persons, and will require the exercise of reasonable care to avoid injury and/or damage, and you agree to assume any and all risks of personal injury or property damage.

KindWorks will prepare the apartment for a three generation family of Afghan women in Riverdale, MD 20737 on August 6 starting at 10:30am. There is a grandmother, 2 adult daughters and one’s 9 yr old daughter. The family is arriving through the Ethiopian Community Development Council resettlement agency.

We invite you to join us as we transform an empty apartment into a fully furnished, warm and welcoming home for them. Come for an hour or two to unload and arrange furniture, organize the bedrooms and kitchen, put together and make beds, lay out toys and hang art. Many hands make light work and it’s a lot of fun!**

Thank you for donating good, dignity quality furniture and furnishings: clean, unstained, pet-hair-, cobweb- and smoke -free. Like something you would want to gift to a close relative!

The total setup usually takes about 2.5-3 hours from start to finish, depending somewhat on the number of volunteers and the quantity of furniture. 

Please email Alexa at or call/text (540) 538-9696 at any time in the process if you have questions. 

If you would like to participate but are unable to bring items or volunteer, please consider a financial donation in support of the KindWorks Refugee program HERE

Many, many thanks!

Sincerely, Alexa, KindWorks Apartment Coordinator


**as with all KindWorks projects, when you register you do so with the understanding that volunteering may involve physical activity, the handling of sharp objects and cooking apparatus, the lifting of heavy objects, contact with unidentified and unfamiliar persons, and will require the exercise of reasonable care to avoid injury and/or damage, and you agree to assume any and all risks of personal injury or property damage.

KindWorks will prepare the home for a Congolese family with 4 children. The boys are 10 and 4 yrs old, the daughter is 9, and the baby boy is 10 months old.

Please join us as we transform their empty townhouse into a fully furnished, warm and welcoming home for them. We will unload and arrange furniture, organize the bedrooms and kitchen, put together and make beds, lay out toys and hang art. Many hands make light work and it’s a lot of fun!  Please consider donating any of your dignity condition (used but perfectly clean and good – like you would hand down to a close relative!) items, or purchase items for this project.**

KindWorks is thrilled to welcome volunteers from GlaxoSmithKline as they participate in this setup!

Please email Alexa at or call/text (540) 538-9696 at any time in the process if you have questions. 

If you would like to participate but are unable to bring items or volunteer, please consider a financial donation in support of KindWorks Home Set-ups HERE

Many, many thanks!

Sincerely, Alexa Abdelatey, KindWorks Apartment Coordinator


**as with all KindWorks projects, when you register you do so with the understanding that volunteering may involve physical activity, the handling of sharp objects and cooking apparatus, the lifting of heavy objects, contact with unidentified and unfamiliar persons, and will require the exercise of reasonable care to avoid injury and/or damage, and you agree to assume any and all risks of personal injury or property damage.

We at KindWorks are SUPER excited to be able to prepare the apartment for a family of 4 from El Salvador. This is the first family from El Salvador coming through International Rescue Committee in the last 5 years! The adult couple are joined by their daughter (25) and the wife’s mother.

Please join us as we transform an empty apartment into fully furnished, warm and welcoming home for them. Come for an hour or two to arrange furniture, organize the bedrooms and kitchen, put together and make beds, and hang art. Many hands make light work and it’s a lot of fun! **

Please email Alexa at or call/text (540) 538-9696 at any time in the process if you have questions. 

If you would like to participate but are unable to bring items or volunteer, please consider a financial donation in support of the KindWorks Refugee program HERE

Many, many thanks!

Sincerely, Alexa Abdelatey & Sue Cohn, KindWorks Apartment Coordinators


**as with all KindWorks projects, when you register you do so with the understanding that volunteering may involve physical activity, the handling of sharp objects and cooking apparatus, the lifting of heavy objects, contact with unidentified and unfamiliar persons, and will require the exercise of reasonable care to avoid injury and/or damage, and you agree to assume any and all risks of personal injury or property damage.

KindWorks will prepare the apartment for an Ivorian family with 3 teens in Riverdale, MD 20737 on July 2 starting at 11am. The son is 19, and the daughters are 14 and 12 yrs old. The family is arriving through the Ethiopian Community Development Council resettlement agency.

We invite you to join us as we transform an empty apartment into fully furnished, warm and welcoming home for them. Come for an hour or two to unload and arrange furniture, organize the bedrooms and kitchen, put together and make beds, lay out toys and hang art. Many hands make light work and it’s a lot of fun!**

Thank you for donating good, dignity quality furniture and furnishings: clean, unstained, pet-hair-, cobweb- and smoke -free. Like something you would want to gift to a close relative!

The total setup usually takes about 2.5-3 hours from start to finish, depending somewhat on the number of volunteers and the quantity of furniture. 

Please email Alexa at or call/text (540) 538-9696 at any time in the process if you have questions. 

If you would like to participate but are unable to bring items or volunteer, please consider a financial donation in support of the KindWorks Refugee program HERE

Many, many thanks!

Sincerely, Alexa Abdelatey & Sue Cohn, KindWorks Apartment Coordinators


**as with all KindWorks projects, when you register you do so with the understanding that volunteering may involve physical activity, the handling of sharp objects and cooking apparatus, the lifting of heavy objects, contact with unidentified and unfamiliar persons, and will require the exercise of reasonable care to avoid injury and/or damage, and you agree to assume any and all risks of personal injury or property damage.

We will prepare the apartment for clients of Stepping Stones Shelter, a formerly homeless family with with 3 daughters (8, 5 and  4 yrs old) in Gaithersburg, Maryland.  The law firm of Stein Sperling will be working with people from Stepping Stones to help setup the apartment, and others are welcome to donate items and to participate!

We invite you to join us as we transform an empty apartment into fully furnished, warm and welcoming home for them. Come for an hour or two to unload and arrange furniture, organize the bedrooms and kitchen, put together and make beds, lay out toys and hang art. Many hands make light work and it’s a lot of fun!  We will begin the setup at 11am on June 14th. 

Please consider donating any of your dignity condition (used but perfectly clean and good – like you would hand down to a close relative!) items, or purchase items for this project.

The total setup usually takes about 2.5 hours from start to finish, depending somewhat on the number of volunteers and the quantity of furniture. 

Please email Alexa at or call/text (540) 538-9696 at any time in the process if you have questions. 

If you would like to participate but are unable to bring items or volunteer, please consider a financial donation in support of the KindWorks home setups HERE

Many, many thanks!

Sincerely, Alexa Abdelatey & Sue Cohn, KindWorks Apartment Coordinators


**as with all KindWorks projects, when you register you do so with the understanding that volunteering may involve physical activity, the handling of sharp objects and cooking apparatus, the lifting of heavy objects, contact with unidentified and unfamiliar persons, and will require the exercise of reasonable care to avoid injury and/or damage, and you agree to assume any and all risks of personal injury or property damage.