KindCasseroles for Seniors! (and Banana Breads, too!)

Date: November 11, 2021

Thank you for your interest in helping!

SIGN UP BELOW To Make KindCasseroles and/or KindBananaBread For Seniors – and THANK YOU!!  

MCPS Students seeking SSL hours: 2 SSL Hours = 4 single casserole servings or 4 mini-loaves of Banana Bread.  Each sign-up slot below is a commitment to make 4 single servings (you can sign up more than once and make more than 4 servings but NOTE that MCPS allows no more than 8 SSL hours in a 24 hour period).  To receive SSL credit, students must sign-up in advance, and will need to submit your SSL volunteer service using this form: KindWorks SSL Google Form

Sign up below...

Select Task(s)WhatName
Select Task(s)WhatName
drop off 4 frozen mini-loaves of Banana Bread#1: Cecilia L.
#2: Cecilia L.
#3: Adriana C.
#4: Adriana C.
#5: Adriana C.
#6: Lukas H.
#7: Lukas H.
#8: Lukas H.
#9: Lukas H.
#10: Joanne A.
#11: Joanne A.
#12: Elinor D.
#13: Ellie D.
#14: Sonya A.
#15: Aidan N.
#16: Aidan N.
#17: Kairi B.
drop off 4 frozen single servings of your KindCasseroles#1: Cecilia L.
#2: Donnie W.
#3: Brenda C.
#4: Mike C.
#5: Adriana C.
#6: Joanne A.
#7: Joanne A.
#8: Ellie D.
#9: Ellie D.
#10: Morgan M.
#11: Sonya A.
#12: Sonya A.
#13: Sonya A.
#14: Kairi B.
#15: Solomon R.
#16: Solomon R.
#17: Hudson L.